Thursday, 3 January 2013

Jubilee (1977)

I came across this piece whilst browsing through YouTube. In this movies Intro by the famous gem of 70-80s Derek Jarman. The story line of it is based on end of 70s and Punk movement in England; As if he was back in time to show Queen Elizabeth what is happening in England, and where life in England is going to.. Interesting movie.
Back to styling.
Looking at Queen Elizabeth style here, they portrayed her all frilly an fluffy.  This look makes her look quite pompous and over the top, yet very authentic. On her wonderful attire, which covers her body entirely, I believe, you can find every possible symbol which represents love to England. Her hairstyle however, I find quite different to Elizabethan era; it has been styled down yet still you can observe small curls all around her head.

Elizabethan Time Dress Style:

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