Sunday, 25 November 2012

Research of Elizabethan portraiture

Young Lady Holding a Book by Italian School, late 16th century
Young Lady Holding a Book by Italian School, late 16th century.

           I picked this image to analyse it because it caught my attention as I was flicking through the images. I could not find much information about this drawing. But what stopped me in my research for painting to analyse was perfect representation of the Elizabethan era.
           This lady is perfectly established the mood of that era. Her fashionable for that time high forehead has a resemblance with a shape of heart. I believe this highlights the romantic atmosphere which was then present.
            By analysing this lady's attire I can assume that she is of noble origins or very rich. Luxurious silk dress which was embroiled to add even more interest to her designer dress. Beautiful pearl necklace makes her look indeed very innocent and pure. Moreover, it emphasises and prolongs her heck. Symbolically this mean "stability", as if you can "reach far" with your elongated neck. There is one most obvious symbolic reference within this portrait - tiny book that she holds in her delicate hand. This is probably her personal prayer book which she carry around with her all the time. Similarly to nowadays iPhone she treasures this tiny book. This was probably custom made for her and embossed in gold cover.
            Her gaze is so relaxed and calm; it does not seem to me that she she was very talkative during sitting.
I cannot tell whether she is happy or sad. The look on her face makes me change my mind all the time. This kind of look that stopped me in desire to analyse this painting closely.
            I am wondering what the painter asked this lady to do, whether it was a set expression in her eyes. Slightly raised straight shaped eyebrows as if she gives indifferent stare. Perhaps she is hiding how she truly feels at that moment.     
            I can conclude that this lady is young and pure. Her style doesn't suggest any hint on seducing anybody. Quite opposite, she innocent, feminine and elegant.  Luckily, I can come up with any story behind this painting! :-)

Contemporary version of the above drawing I picked Princess Diana:

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